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5 Ways to Make Learning Fun for Kids

The funny thing about making learning fun for kids is that all of us, no matter the age, would prefer to have fun while we learn! What’s the opposite of “fun”, after all? Boring, disagreeable, tiring, unfunny, unpleasant… No thanks! Perhaps the subject-matter for an adult may differ at times from what makes something fun

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Parent Academy

E-Learning for Everyone! Parent Academy Online — Free!

One of the wonderful parts of this job is learning new subject area content in order to better support our clients. Last year, we were approached by The Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) to partner with them in creating a new online course called Parent Academy. It was Barksdale’s goal to design an online course to

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What to Consider When Searching for an Online Course Developer

What to Consider When Searching for an Online Course Developer

Diving into the dynamic world of eLearning is easy considering recent trends in education. As the world becomes more digitized, many instructors incorporate digital media into their courses to supplement their in-person lessons or vivify their online classes. These instructors or institutions need the help of a reliable online course developer to make the most

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Women's Work

The Women Behind the Design

The Farthest Pixel is a women-owned and managed business, developing custom eLearning solutions that leverage all sorts of design. We have an amazing body of creative talent – in the past two years employing 12 women and 3 men in the fields of animation, illustration, and graphic design. This team has produced hundreds of eLearning

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Five Tips for Designing an Effective eLearning Course

Five Tips for Designing an Effective eLearning Course

Custom eLearning development can yield life-changing experiences for students exposed to a compelling online lesson. Yet, students may not realize that crafting an enjoyable lesson requires meticulously planned components that integrate effectively. Crafting effective eLearning solutions takes considerable time and care. With so many things to consider, it’s easy for finer details to fall through

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The Benefits of Game-Based Learning And Gamification In Educational Spaces

The Benefits of Game-Based Learning And Gamification In Educational Spaces

As digital media becomes more accessible, the way learners interact with educational content continues to change dramatically. In an age where online learning is mainstream, many remain skeptical of the shift towards digital education and question whether it actually results in productive learning spaces—especially when game-based learning and gamification are involved. As a custom eLearning

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Smartphones and Learning Theories

Smartphones and Learning Theories

In 2018 the number of smartphone users in the United States is estimated at 224 million. With a U.S. population of about 325 million (2017), this means that unless you’re under 5 years old, chances are you own a smartphone! Mobile devices are everywhere – in schools, restaurants, corporations – we carry them everywhere we go

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Multiple Sensory Channels Increase Learning Opportunities

Multiple Sensory Channels Increase Learning Opportunities

I’ve given workshops about multimedia learning at the university level. My last article on this website, in fact, looked at the importance of sound in the learning process. There is no doubt that multimedia – emphasis on multi – is more effective than one form of media delivered solo. The Picture Superiority Effect tells us that concrete concepts presented as

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