Hill Learning Center – LMS Design

HLS Graphic

The Challenge

The Hill Center, a school and training center for both teaching students with learning differences and training K12 teachers on how to teach students with learning differences, desired an enhanced design approach for their online courses that would also include branding for their online course portal, (delivered through the LMS LearnUpon) and their courses, that would be consistent with the Hill Learning System (HLS).

The Solution

The LearnUpon Learning Management System provides some options for customizing colors and including organizational logos, however it is not an open source system so doesn’t readily accommodate custom Web styles. Within the limitations of the system we modified the branding to coordinate with the HLS for the course dashboard, as well as developed individual course branding, and then developed custom styles to embed within the content on individual course pages where possible. While this was not always an option (such as within quiz pages and surveys), the overall result greatly improved the user experience.

Individual course design was enhanced by providing a wider variety of content delivery media. This would include a blend of content-appropriate media depending on the individual learning challenges. Interactive self-assessments were developed in Adobe Captivate and Articulate Storyline, visual “tip cards” were also created to aid teacher-learners in memory recall and to save later for student instruction, and images, text, video and learning documents were included in course modules to support a variety of learning styles.

Project Details

Amanda Robertson
Jordan Deva
Lidia Churakova
Meghan Theye
Ruth Smith

Custom E-Learning
LMS Design

Hill Learning Center