NC State University - Sculpture Online

Sculpture Online Solution Featured Image

The Challenge

This is perhaps the project that turned the most heads in a double-take… “What?! You’re going to teach sculpture online?!” The challenges in teaching any hands-on course online consistently involve the instruction around the hand work and the ability to review and correct the work of the students, and provide timely feedback toward improvement. This also involves the ability to observe the work from multiple angles. These are certainly the primary challenges in this course.

The Solution

Sculpture is a vast arena and can involve any number of materials. It can also include explorations into digital 3D modeling. This course focuses on three primary sculpture materials to include wood, found objects, and digital modeling. Safety videos in the wood shop demonstrate the equipment students might use and are part of required material students are tested on. Additionally, demonstration videos to accompany each project aid students in learning a variety of techniques they may need in construction. These would include screencapture videos of instruction using 3D software (FormZ), VoiceThread recordings sharing examples of past student work with instructor comments to aid student understanding, as well as video shot of the instructor demonstrating construction techniques with a variety of materials and processes.

VoiceThread is used by the students to share their work in progress and provide an audible summary analysis, and to give feedback on the work of fellow students. It is also used by the professor in this way.

Moodle is used to deliver the course through text, image, video, online discussions and VoiceThread interactions via initial equipment and technology training followed by three primary project assignments.

Sample Videos

Project Details

Amanda Robertson
Cathi Phillips
Jordan Deva
Mike Cuales

Custom E-Learning

NC State University