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E-Learning Used More Often Than Classroom Training

E-Learning Used More Often Than Classroom Training

According to research done by Chief Learning Officer magazine’s Business Intelligence Board there has been a steady increase in synchronous, or instructor-led, and asynchronous or self-paced e-learning. E-learning overall has overtaken traditional classroom training. According to the previous year’s report, this shift has taken place just over the past year. All expectations are that we will

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In 2016: Cloud Computing, Augmented Reality, Games

In 2016: Cloud Computing, Augmented Reality, Games

In an article by Jennifer Klostermann on CloudTweaks, the future of EduTech this year is in cloud computing, mobile learning, augmented reality and gesture-based learning, and game-based learning. These are a safe bet to be a spot-on projection for this year and certainly the next several years to come. The exciting area is where each of these

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E-Learning- A Projected $243 Billion Dollar Business by 2022

E-Learning: A Projected $243 Billion Dollar Business by 2022

Classrooms are emptying and e-learning is growing exponentially in both the corporate setting as well as k12 and higher education. Internet technologies have improved and become more powerful and diverse, and interactive media technologies have seamlessly ported to the Web. Today, the ability to meet learning needs in an online environment have very few limitations when

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