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Sound Stretch title screen

5 Ways to Make Learning Fun for Kids

The funny thing about making learning fun for kids is that all of us, no matter the age, would prefer to have fun while we learn! What’s the opposite of “fun”, after all? Boring, disagreeable, tiring, unfunny, unpleasant… No thanks! Perhaps the subject-matter for an adult may differ at times from what makes something fun

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Multiple Sensory Channels Increase Learning Opportunities

Multiple Sensory Channels Increase Learning Opportunities

I’ve given workshops about multimedia learning at the university level. My last article on this website, in fact, looked at the importance of sound in the learning process. There is no doubt that multimedia – emphasis on multi – is more effective than one form of media delivered solo. The Picture Superiority Effect tells us that concrete concepts presented as

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Instructure Releases Arc – An Exciting New Interactive Video Tool!

Instructure Releases Arc – An Exciting New Interactive Video Tool!

Instructure, a tech company that also developed the LMS Canvas, has released a beta version of Arc, a new video tool that allows users within a learning community to interact with video content – as a community of learners. Their tool allows instructors to track student use of video content, to better integrate this content

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